Arclab Dir2HTML Crack Free Download is a directory-to-HTML index converter that creates an HTML index file from the directory structures and data on your hard disk. Arclab Dir2HTML Latest Version provides recursive indexing, can create sub-sections inside the index file for each subfolder, and can connect files for online and offline projects using a user-defined link prefix.


Create a directory HTML index.

Convert file and folder hierarchies to HTML with a few clicks. Dir2HTML creates a directory index for file distributions, listings, sitemaps, technical documentation, and more. The index is fully customizable and may serve many purposes.

check Create an HTML file from a directory.

Arclab Dir2HTML 4.0 Crack Free Download

Dir2HTML has many output modes. The index is automatically built into one HTML file, making submission and management easy.

check Create folder sub-sections.

For each (sub)folder, the program produces a section with a title and file list. Subfolders have headers and are linked from the top-level folder, enabling users to navigate directories.

check Create HTML files from a directory.

A separate index file for each (sub)folder is available in Dir2HTML. Index files are linked from the top-level folder for browsing. This option reduces file size and is recommended for large indexes.

choose which files to index.

Include all or some files. The application may add many filters based on file name or extension (e.g.,.html,.jpg).

tick the box Exclude files/directories

Directory files may not belong in the file list. Named directories and files may be excluded by Dir2HTML. System and secret files like desktop.ini are omitted by default from the index.

verify File and folder sorting

On their own, files and folders may be sorted by name, date, or size.

Arclab Dir2HTML 4.0 Crack Free Download

Check variable table layout (column order).

The table has four columns: Size, File, Date, and Custom. Adjust the columns to fit your requirements with the flexible layout.

Consider variable width and alignment

The project options allow you to adjust the table and column alignments.

tick the box Insert “Date” and “Size” columns.

The “Size” and “Date” columns reflect each file’s size and date. Show or hide size and date.

check Add folder size to total.

The file and folder sizes within a folder may be shown or hidden. Each index section has a folder size summary with this option.

tick the box Customize description column

Each file may have a unique description by adding a custom (description) column to the index.

View the HTML page title and content-type.

Provide an HTML file’s page title or content-type in the custom description box.

checks file and URL uppercase/lowercase

File names may be uppercase or lowercase for consistency.

check Link to your homepage.

Home-link adds a hyperlink to the root-level index section so visitors may return to your homepage.

Select size unit

File and folder sizes are given in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. The option “auto” sets the size unit for each file or folder based on its size.

tick the box Set date format.

Show the date in US or European format:

Arclab Dir2HTML 4.0 Crack Free Download

check Does it support large files?

The program supports 64bit values and large files.

check Connect files for file distributions using a link-prefix.

Each file may be hyperlinked. Using a custom link-prefix, file names may be linked to files in another folder, location, or web server.

Check custom fonts and colors

From font family to hover color, all fonts, sizes, and colors may fit your company or project design.

Check CSS-based style and layout for easy tweaks

CSS allows customization of the design and layout. If you want to manually style multi-page index files, add the CSS code to the HTML header or save it to an external CSS file.

View the Free Version

Free and licensed versions have the same functionality.
The only difference is that the free version has an unavoidable footer at the bottom of each page.

Check Convert spaces in URLs to%20.

Link spaces may be converted to%20 to work with obsolete browsers.

verify Generation of HTML5 using utf-8.

Dir2HTML produces HTML5 files using utf-8.

ensuring all languages and charsets work

Unicode-written program supports all languages and charsets.

Subfolders may be included or omitted (recursion).

Allow recursion to index subdirectory files.

Check Index enormous structures with one click.

The program can handle large directory structures and is powerful. Having tens or thousands of files doesn’t matter.

Select Run Dir2HTML from command line/Windows Scheduler.

Command line parameter /runsilent executes program in quiet mode without a user interface.

create an HTML sitemap.

Dir2HTML might create HTML sitemaps.

choose custom text

The index’s “main title” and “folder-up” content may be altered. A file list for any language may be generated with this method.

Arclab Dir2HTML 4.0 Latest Changes

  • The revised edition, which is available at no cost, is now accessible. The features and capabilities of the free version are equivalent to those of the licensed version.
  • The only difference lies in the fact that the complimentary edition has an obligatory footer at the conclusion of every page.
  • If one want to get an index without a footer, it is possible to acquire the licensed version.
  • The start screen now presents users with two alternatives: “Commence” and “Version and License”.
  • The license key required for activating the licensed version may be entered in the “Version and License” page.
  • The latest iteration of the software is fully compatible with projects created in prior versions.
  • It is important to use care. If an earlier version, namely before 3.8, has been installed, it is necessary to remove the previous version before proceeding. You can use Revo Uninstaller Pro Crack to uninstall the old version.
  • It is important to use care. If the user already has version 3.8, they may proceed with the installation of the new version without necessitating the deactivation of the preceding iteration.

How To Activate?

  • Download the setup file with carck file using the provided link.
  • Extract the RAR file.
  • Normally install the setup.
  • Serial Number is provided within the text file.
  • Use the serial number and it’s activated.