Microsoft Toolkit Latest Version 2024

Microsoft Toolkit 2.7.3 is used to activate both Windows and Microsoft Office. Even so, it will help you manage, license, and use Windows and Office. With this brand-new tool, users can connect to the KMS network on their PC and activate it permanently. Microsoft Toolkit 2.7.3 Activator can also be used as a Key Generator, which means it can give you the access key for many goods. The license key for every Office program could also be made, and it comes with almost every version of Windows.

The EZ-Activator is another name for the Microsoft Toolkit For Windows 7. Windows Toolkit, Office Toolkit, and Office Uninstaller are all in the most recent version of this toolkit. This set of tools can be used instead of the Kmspico Activator. It’s pretty much the same as the KMSPico Activator, but it has some extra features.


It’s not like other activation tools because Lifetime Activation Microsoft Toolkit 2.7.3 Download will work for as long as you need it. You won’t have to enable Windows 10 again after a while if you already have it installed. As soon as you activate Windows for the first time, you’re done! After that, your machine will stay turned on until you remove Windows.

Offline Activation

There is a great new function in the most recent version of the software. It makes offline activation easier. After that, you won’t need to be online to enable Windows on your machine.

The 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 types are the only ones that can be activated offline. If you have an older version of this Windows installer, you will need to connect to the internet to put Windows 10 on your computer.

2-in-1 activator

Microsoft Toolkit Crack Free Download has a driver that can help you start both Windows and Microsoft Office 2016. So there’s no need to set up two activators.

Two sets of activation modules

You already know that the Microsoft Toolkit is made up of the EZ Activator and KMS Auto parts. So, you can use either EZ Activator or Auto KMS plugins to activate Windows and MS Office.

Real activation of Windows

Microsoft Toolkit Activator guarantees that your activation of Windows is 100% real since it doesn’t use keys or servers to activate Windows. The authentication process only uses the KMS Server, which is what the Microsoft Company has said.

100% safe way to activate

There is no other safe, secure, or trustworthy registration tool on the internet like this one. You can download these tools without worrying about getting bugs or dangerous codes. You will never have to worry about your computer information being stolen.


Microsoft Toolkit For Windows 10 64-bit
Microsoft Toolkit For Windows 7
Microsoft Toolkit 2.7.3 Windows And Office Activator

Microsoft Toolkit-supported products

Operating systems

  • Windows 11 all versions
  • Windows 10 all versions
  • Windows 8.1 all versions
  • Windows 8 all versions
  • Windows Vista all versions
  • Windows 7 all versions

Windows Servers

  • Windows Server 2008 all versions
  • Windows Server 2012 all versions
  • Windows Server 2016 all versions
  • Windows Server 2019 all versions
  • Windows Server 2022 all versions

Microsoft Office packages

  • Office 2019 
  • Office 2017
  • Office 2016 
  • Office 365 
  • Office 2013 
  • Office 2010