SmartGit 23 Crack is a Git GUI client that works with pull requests and comments on GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab. It is made for professionals. It lets writers handle all parts of commits, which gives it a lot of useful features.

SmartGit Free Download

You can commit just one line of a file, bring back lost commits, and change the order of unpushed pushes. Just because you work with other people doesn’t mean that you have to do the same things they do. Because of this, the SmartGit Free License comes with a lot of customization choices that let you make all the changes you need for a smooth process.

Options for grammar colors, toolbars, keyboard tools, layouts, views, and rebasing and combining features are just a few of the things that can be changed. The downside is that the app wasn’t made for people who are just starting with Git. People who are new to it may need to put in some time and effort to learn how everything works. You can also download Arclab Dir2HTML Crack.

Why prefer SmartGit as a Git Client?

SmartGit License File Download is a helpful tool for both newbies and experienced developers using Git. It has an easy-to-use interface across Windows, macOS, and Linux, offering features like graphical merge and commit history, drag-and-drop commit management, and fast performance, even with large repositories. With a single license, you can use SmartGit on multiple machines and operating systems.

It supports pull requests and comments for platforms like GitHub, BitBucket, and Atlassian Stash and comes with integrations for these platforms to streamline tasks like creating and resolving pull requests. You can also use SmartGit License Crack with your own Git repositories or other hosting providers.

It includes everything you need, such as an intuitive file compare, powerful file merge, Git-Flow support, and an SSH client, without requiring additional installations. Moreover, SmartGit Torrent allows for detailed customization to fit your specific needs and workflows, including preferences for merging and rebasing, external tools, syntax coloring, keyboard shortcuts, and themes.

SmartGit License File


History Improvements

Most of the time, it only shows pull requests, local branches, and the main branch (like develop). You can add more remote branches that are important to you using the new “favorite” tool. In the My History view, if a local branch has split off from its remote branch, the remote branch shows up below the local branch. This makes it easier to choose the faraway branch.

Path Support in Filter

You can sort repositories by path on the Repositories tab, add new repositories, or set up current ones.

Reorder Tabs

To change the order of source tabs, drag and drop them.

Add more Commands to the Toolbar

There are different toolbars for each view of the Standard window. The context menu can now be used to add more tasks to these toolbars.

SmartGit Free License Key

Smart Amend Logic

SmartGit Reset License can use a message from a previous commit (maybe with a few changes) by clicking on the previous commit in the Mini-Log. There will be no need to check the Amend box if you have clicked on the unpushed head commit. But when I tried to change the message, it was taken off instantly. If you check the “Amend” box, it will not be unchecked when you change the commit message.

Commit What You See

When there are no stages, it is now easier and safer to commit all files from the Commit view. Now it’s possible to commit all files that can be seen, even if they are only shown in a folder or are sorted by name or type. Get GitKraken Crack.

Intuitive Branch/Tag Compare

To compare two repository states based on their branches (or tags), all you have to do is pick them both out of the list of All Branches+Tags.

Comment Lines in Commit Messages

SmartGit Keygen will ask you how to handle comment lines in the change message by default. You can choose to always keep or remove comment lines in the settings.

Checking Out a Commit

When a user checks out a change, they often lose track of any other commits they want to make. So that doesn’t happen, a (brief) branch is made when a commit is checked out in the Standard window.

Split Off Files

When you use Split Off Files, you can move some changed files from one commit to another. It’s now possible to choose whether the new commit comes before or after the old one.

SmartGit Crack

Group Files by State

These days, you can choose “Group by State” to see all the files instead of just the changed ones. This will put the changed files at the top of the list.

GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket accounts

You no longer have to copy a password when you set up an account on GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket thanks to OAuth 2.0.

Support for Multiple Main-Branches

Along with the main development branch (e.g. develop), the Feature process now allows more than one main branch. For instance, you can now set up release branches as extra main branches, which makes it easy to start bugfix features for those branches. If more than one main branch has been set up, the Start Feature window has an extra Start From option for this reason.

File Compare, Changes view: Display of Whitespaces

If you check the box next to Trailing, in selection and changed blocks, it’s easier to see right away whether tabs or spaces were used. Just pick the text.

Better Multi-Remote Support

It is now easier to fetch from all or certain remotes or to pull from all, for sources that have more than one.

Use GitHub No-reply Emails

SmartGit License File Crack will ask you to check the email address used when committing to GitHub projects so that your regular email address is not made public. You won’t have to type in your no-reply email address for each of your folders because it will remember it.

SmartGit License Key


Installation Needs

  • Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 150 MB of space.
  • 1280x768p resolution
  • Having a link to the internet

How To Install SmartGit?

  • Get SmartGit Free Download.
  • Extract it and normally install it.
  • Done.